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Here's my heart lord lyrics by casting crowns

明星 星关系 2018-05-27 09:02

Here's my heart lord lyrics

by casting crowns

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Speak what is true

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Speak what is true

I am found, I am Yours

I am loved, I'm made pure

I have life, I can breathe

I am healed, I am free

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Speak what is true

'Cause I am found, I am Yours

I am loved, I'm made pure

I have life, I can breathe

I am healed, I am free

You are strong, You are sure

You are life, You endure

You are good, always true

You are light breaking through

Oh, here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Speak what is true

Here's my life, Lord

Here's my life, Lord

Here's my life, Lord

Speak what is true

Speak what is true

Speak what is true

I am found, I am Yours

I am loved, I'm made pure

I have life, I can breathe

I am healed, I am free

'Cause You are strong, You are sure

You are life, You endure

You are good, always true

You are light breaking through

You are more than enough

You are here, You are love

You are hope, You are grace

You're all I have, You're everything

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Here's my heart, Lord

Speak what is true

Here's my life, Lord

Here's my life, Lord

Here's my life, Lord

Speak what is true


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